Premium Black Pomfret Fish Size 3-4 pcs in 1 kg.
Black Pomfret fish is a delicious seafood item and has many health benefits as well as nutritional. It is a good source of protein and it doesn’t have the high saturated fat that fatty meat products do. The protein in fish is of high quality, containing an abundance of essential amino acids, and is very digestible for people of all ages. AHA (American Heart Association) recommends this fish for its good content of Omega 3.Pomfret fish is high in Vitamin D. In general contents it contains lots of essential minerals like Iron, Zinc, Iodine, and Selenium. It is also a good source of Vitamins which maintains a healthy body.
Fresh Pomfret is very healthy, delicious, and has many nutritional benefits. Experts agree that, even in small quantities, fish can have a significant positive impact in improving the quality of dietary protein by complementing the essential amino acids that are often present in low quantities in vegetable-based diets.
Pomfret has a light texture and sweet, rich flavor. It has a high content of good fats, thereby getting the name, butterfish. It is a great source of calcium, vitamins A and D, and B vitamins, including Vitamin B12, vital for the nervous system. It also offers iodine, critical for the thyroid gland. A useful brain food, the pomfret is good for eyesight and healthy hair and skin. Fish is a very good source of protein, and food capable of providing almost 15 percent of our daily value for omega 3 fatty acids in one 4 ounce serving. Consuming fish rich in omega 3 fats, such as the pomfret, promotes cardiovascular health by increasing heart rate variability.
However, pregnant women, women planning a pregnancy, and children up to six years of age should choose the fish they eat carefully. Avoid drinking milk with fish, as the latter takes longer to digest. Curried fish is a healthier alternative to fried fish as the oil in the fish is retained in the curry. Avoid deep-frying. Opt for Tawa-fry, baked, or steamed fish. Fish is a high-protein, low-fat food that provides a range of health benefits.
White-fleshed fish, in particular, is lower in fat than any other source of animal protein, and oily fish are high in omega-3 fatty acids or the “good” fats. Since the human body can’t make significant amounts of these essential nutrients, fish are an important part of the diet.
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